Crochet knitting patterns.
Crochet knitting patterns.
Hello dear friends.
I wanted to share wonderful crochet models with you. When I saw this video, I thought you could do it easily.
I prepared a shawl model with a crochet card apparatus that is very beautiful and still continues as a model that we have been making for years.
Thinking that it is a visually great model, I shared a video and audio narration for you to make this model easier.
When it comes to its preparation, I think you can do it by specifying the recipe or watching the video.
First of all, we should pay attention to whether the rope you will make is thick or thin.
We should prepare an apparatus out of card or cardboard.
The apparatus of this model is 3.50.
Yes, let's start our model.
First of all, we need to start by fixing the loop on our crochet, then let's create a square by pulling 6 chains.
For our triangle work, let's make squares by increasing one side.
After knitting 2 rows in the second black, let's pull 7 chains and fix them on the other triangle.
Let's complete the row by making a square again by making a tight needle into the chain.
After finishing the chain work, let's knit 4 rows of squares.
When we start using cards, let's put 20 loops on the card.
Then, let's knit 4 rows of square and stretch the loops one by one by pulling 2 chains between them.
In this way, a motif will be finished, I recommend you to watch its detailed explanation for other motifs.
Yes, friends, if you want to get ideas from these and similar models, it will be enough to visit my channel orgurecipes.
Thinking that I have come to the end of the recipe for this model, I knit you more comfortably and watch its narration.
Friends who love knitting, if you like the model work and want to knit, let's look at the video narration together.
Enjoy watching.