Pumpkin Biscuit Cake recipe and its preparation.

Pumpkin Biscuit Cake recipe and its preparation.

Hello dear friends.
Today I want to share a very delicious dessert recipe with you. I tried the pumpkin biscuit cake recipe and it turned out very nice. I recommend you to try it too.


Pumpkin Biscuit Roll Cake Recipe
2 cups pumpkin puree
2 packs of petibor biscuits
For the pastry cream;
2 egg yolks
About 1 teaspoon of granulated sugar
1 packet of vanilla
2 tablespoons of flour
2 tablespoons of starch
2 cups of milk
1 pack of whipped cream as powder after cooking
For the above;
Heat 100 ml of cream and add 100 g milk-nitter chocolate and mix.
rice peanut
Preparation: For the cream, put all the ingredients except vanilla and whipped cream in a saucepan and cook, stirring constantly. Turn off the heat and add the vanilla. When it cools down a bit, add the whipped cream as a powder and whisk. Put the pumpkin dessert in a pot according to the amount of pumpkin you have and add enough sugar to cover it. You can adjust the amount of sugar according to your taste. Cover the pot and cook on low heat until soft. If the sugar is less, you can add it and cook a little more. Pass the cooled pumpkin dessert you prepared through the robot and mash it. Crush the petibor biscuits with your hands and mix them into the puree. When it is completely mixed, spread the mixture on the cling film. Spread another cling film on it and thin it with the help of a roller. It is enough to be 1 cm thick. Straighten in square form. Spread the cooled pastry cream you prepared on it. Curl the cake with the help of cling film. After keeping it in the refrigerator for at least 2-3 hours or in the freezer for 1 hour, you can take it out, pour chocolate sauce and decorate with peanuts. You can make it without chocolate and decorate it with coconut.